In v3.2.0, we've introduced
support for delivery suburbs.
What does this mean?
Instead of adding delivery methods, then separately going and adding your delivery suburbs... That's now one step. When you add a delivery method in WooCommerce settings, there's now a fourth rate type available:
FloristPress Suburbs List
. Treat it like a normal Flat Rate method, and while setting it up, add each suburb for that delivery rate on a separate line like so:
What's the downside?
Before you upgrade to v4.0.0, you will need to replicate
of your methods that use delivery suburbs in this manner – in v4, the original delivery suburbs feature will be completely and irrevocably deleted.
My site is managed by BAKKBONE, do I still need to do this?
No – if you have a current support plan, we'll be doing this for you in the coming days.
AAAAAAH! This is confusing/daunting!
We get it. Drop us a line at – premium support will be made available for free as it relates specifically to this change.